Hokejová tour v Holandsku

Chceš se kvalitně připravit na novou sezónu? Nebo si chceš udělat super hokejové léto v Nizozemí? Není problém! ONFIRE hokejová tour Ti nabízí super kemp.
Pokud máš zájem, přečti si více ⬇
Take a chance to have the ultimate hockeytour and bond with your team. Via ONFIRE Hockey Tours we guarantee the best facilities, materials and friendly matches of your level. The accommodation will be arranged to what is suitable for your budget.
We start off with three standard packages: budget – comfort – deluxe. In 4 days/3 nights you will get four hours of training sessions, a friendly match, (airport) and pitch transfers. Some meals are included as well. You can also choose from a variety of extra options to create your own experience with us.
All this will be in Den Bosch from €285 per person.
Interested to see what we can arrange for your team? Please contact us via tours@hockeysupport.nl or check www.onfirehockeytours.com for more information.
Veronika Decsyová